Don’t burn the bridge!
There once was a young man who was raised in a large family in a small settlement. His family experience much hardship and pain. For as long as he can remember, he dreamed of leaving this small town and exploring the world beyond it’s borders. The town was surrounded by deep crevasses. The only way out was to cross the narrow bridge spanning the canyon. The bridge had been built long before memory. Although seemingly secure and strong…the bridge had never been repaired to his...
Read MoreGod’s Purpose for our lives
“God will fulfill His purpose for me”. This has been a tough one this year especially for me. I think it has so much to do with having blind faith. I tend to want to see my purpose and witness the results of my efforts. But that is not always possible. We may never know how we have influenced people. Our good deeds my go unnoticed. So I try to have faith and know that God can see and knows everything. Ps.139:16-18 ” …In your book they were all written the days that were...
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